Archive for May 2013

Overclock adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan dalam ilmu teknologi yang berkaitan dengan membuat suatu perangkat berjalan lebih cepat dari ketentuan perangkat itu sendiri. Tetapi akan sangat beresiko pada perangkat tersebut yang berujung pada kerusakan.Biasanya overclock digunakan untuk perangkatgadget, seperti Komputer, Laptop, Smartphone, dan lainnya.

  1. Mendapat kinerja yang lebih tinggi. Ini adalah hal yang sudah sangat pasti anda dapatkan dari Overclock, meski hanya beberapa perangkat yang mengalaminya. 
  2. Menghemat UangKarena mendapat kinerja yang lebih tinggi, anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang untuk membeli perangkat yang lebih tinggi.
  3. Dapat menjalankan Software baru. Di era yang semakin canggihnya teknologi, para pembuat software akan membuat software mereka mengikuti perangkat yang kian tinggi kinerjanya. Dengan Overclock, anda tidak perlu membeli perangkat baru. Anda bisa menjalankannya langsung karena perangkat anda sudah siap.
  1. Ketidakstabilan sistemPerangkat yang dioverclock, belum tentu semua akan stabil seperti yang diharapkan. Bahkan beberapa perangkat yang dioverclock, tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mengalami lag atau hang.
  2. Memerlukan daya ‘baterai’ yang lebih tinggi. Karena ada peningkatan kinerja, otomatis daya yang akan digunakan juga ikut meningkat. Pada perangkat Smartphone atau semacamnya, akan membuat gadget ini lebih boros baterai.
  3. Cepat panas hingga OverheatKarena ada peningkatan kinerja dan daya listrik yang lebih tinggi, perangkat akan lebih cepat panas, bahkan jika terus menerus akan mengalami istilah Overheat.Pada perangkat komputer, Overheat kerap kali terjadi meskipun tidak ada overclock.
  4. Umur Berkurang. Jika suatu perangkat mengalami panas yang berlebih dan berkepanjangan, sudah pasti umur perangkat tersebut berkurang.
  5. Kerusakan. Ujung dari dampak-dampak diatas adalah Kerusakan.
Setelah membaca diatas, Berikut cara overclock IMO S88
Download kernel dibawah ini :
Versi Kernel  : 3.0.13 trizet@trizet-Aspire-4745G #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 04  WIT 2013
magnetic sensor : AKM8975
Accelerometer : BMA250 + KXTF9
ALSPS : AL3006
OTG support : yes
TV-out support : yes
LED : red, green
Swap support : yes
Add maximum cpu clock : 1,2GHz
Fix Display driver
others : NTFS, CIFS, USB modem (not tested), add more governor, I/O scheduler

bug : lulzactiveq governor not working

Karena down volt bisa berbeda2 hasilnya (stability) di device yang berbeda, ane compile beberapa pilihan voltage. silakan coba/cari sendiri yang paling stabil.

Down voltage paling rendah:
Boot.img untuk stock ROM (cusrom base on stock rom) :

Down voltage medium:
Boot.img untuk stock ROM (cusrom base on stock rom) :

Default cpu voltage:
Boot.img untuk stock ROM (cusrom base on stock rom) :

file2 modules bisa pakai module yang lama :
(cdc-acm.ko : untuk usb modem, cifs.ko dan md4.ko untuk netwotk file sharing)
module tidak wajib diinstall, kalo memang pake baru diinstall (bonus)

Dilarang : reupload/mirror/redistribute/repack ke dalem ROM tanpa seijin ane. Silakan request permission kalau mau reupload/mirror/redistribute/repack ke dalem ROM.

reupload/mirror/redistribution/repack my kernel to others ROM is not allowed without permission. Please ask my permission if you interest to reupload/mirror/redistribute/repack to your ROM.
Pilihlah Kernel yang paling cocok dengan device agan
Setelah itu flash kernelnya.
Untuk mengatur frequency CPU bisa menggunakan SetCPU, AnTuTu CPU Master, ROM Toolbox Pro


Credits to Tri Setiyano

Apa itu root? Root adalah proses untuk merubah privilage dari user biasa menjadi superuser / dengan kata lain layaknya menjadi seorang administaror dalam os windows. Rooting sebenarnya di pergunakan dalam istilah linux, yang bertujuan mendapatkan hak penuh dalam sebuah os, jadi nantinya kita bisa melakukan apa saja yang kita inginkan setelah mendapat hak ini (dalam hal software).

Dengan melakukan root kita dapat memodifikasi device android kita secara lebih leluasa, mulai dari modifikasi setting, mengkopi hidden file, menginstal program, dll

Keuntungan root :
- memungkinkan untuk ditukar mount point(sdcard external menjadi internal).
- bisa mengcustom neng disko.
- bisa memakai aplikasi2 yang membutuhkan privilage akses (hak askses root device).

1. Unlockroot
Download Unlockroot dari, nyalakan usb debugging pada neng disko, klik tombol "Root" tunggu sekitar 2 sampe 3 menit, selamat hape anda sudah di root. Jika gagal lanjut ke nomor 2

2. Root lewat unsecured boot.img
1. Download file IMO-S88 :*

extract file zip di PC, File sudah termasuk VCOM USB driver, SP flash tool, dan ADB script untuk root melalui PC

2. Install MT6577 VCOM USB driver

> Run file InstallDriver.exe di folder MT6577 USB VCOM drivers
3. Flash unsecured boot.img

> Matikan HP lalu cabut battery selama beberapa detik. Pasang battery tapi jangan dihidupkan
> Run file Flash_tool.exe di folder SP Flash Tool
> klik scatter-loading lalu pilih file "MT6577_Android_scatter_emmc.txt" di folder unsecboot

> centang "BOOTIMG", lalu klik "BOOTIMG", pilih file "unsec88.img di folder unsecboot

> Hidupkan HP, HP sudah "setengah" root, bisa dilanjutkan root pakai aplikasi atau melalui ADB di step no.4

4. Root melalui ADB
> Hidupkan HP lalu "enable USB debugging"
> Colok kabel USB ke HP, seharusnya akan otomatis terinstall ADB driver
> run file "root-me" di folder root-tools (run as admin)
> pilih A lalu enter
> kalau berhenti disini berarti adb driver belum terinstall, install adb driver dulu secara manual
> kalau sudah berhasil rooting bisa dilanjut dengan mengganti vold.fstab untuk mengubah mount point sdcard
> reboot HP, kalau sudah ada icon Supeeuser berarti sudah berhasil di root.


1. Download file2 untuk flashing

> download link dan install VCOM USB driver lihat post :

2. Download CWM recovery :*

tested : backup/restore, format/mount (data/system/cache), ADB, install zip

3. Flash CWM recovery
> Matikan HP lalu cabut battery selama beberapa detik. Pasang battery tapi jangan dihidupkan
> Run file Flash_tool.exe di folder SP Flash Tool
> klik scatter-loading lalu pilih file "MT6577_Android_scatter_emmc.txt" di folder unsecboot

> centang "RECOVERY", lalu klik "RECOVERY", pilih file "cwm-s88.img" yang didownload di step no.2

> klik download lalu colok kabel USB ke HP
> proses flashing akan berjalan, tunggu sampai selsai

cara booting ke recovery dari off : hold volume up + power

kalau mau balik ke stock recovery, flash recovery.img yang ini :

SUMBER : Kaskus

part 1
part 2
part 3

berhubung ini kernel baru..mungkin masih banyak sisi lemah nya.
- kagak bisa otg
-magnetic sensor tidak bekerja.
dan mungkin ada hal lainnya yg belom ane ketahui. ini pada dasar nya ibarat Stock rom..yg udah deodex.. dan root. nggak ada modif apa apa disini.silahkan bagi yg berminat dan nggak ada paksaan bagi yg tidak suka.
semoga bermanfaat bagi semua... 

karena link ini masih menggunakan dropbox..jika nanti bermasalh...tunggu minor link nya

update: Minor LINK

part 1
part 2
part 3


Berikut kita coba membuat custom rom berbasis Stock ROM V8-Deodexed, kita buat dengan taste "music and game lover"

Bahan dasar:
1. Niat kuat dan mau belajar
2. kompie, laptop, etc
3. stock rom deodexed -->ambil disini

Bahan utama:
1.Ac!d engine -->AC!D Audio Engine v5.0: dari forum xda, DL disini
2.walkman -->SONY Media Xperia V: dari forum xda DL disini
3. Tweak for gamer --> MPEngine™12SE dari forum xda DL disini
4. Root dan busybox, dari masta trizet DL disini
5. Boot.img yang unsecured, support init.d dari masta trizet, ambil disini

Bumbu Tambahan:
1. Ganti font dari siniDL disini
2. Change Mount Point
3. gps.conf
4. app lain, misal holo launcher, gpstest,etc 

Peralatan Masak
1. kompie
2. notepad++
3. D4UpdateZipMaker
4. winzip /winrar

Cara masak:

1. DL semua file, simpan di 1 folder, misal cusrom

2. install semua peralatan masak ke kompie

3. extrack stock rom deodexed kedalam 1 folder (misal cusrom), buang saletracker.apk

4. ekstrak acid engine ke folder lain, copas dan merge isi "system" ke folder system di stock rom deodexed, kalau ada file sama timpa saja

5.ekstrak SONY Media Xperia V ke folder lain, copas dan merge isi "system" ke folder system di stock rom deodexed, kalau ada file sama timpa saja
catt: kalau ga suka launchernya sony dan mau ganti launcer lain silahkan buang home.apk,home2.apk,homeadd.apk,homepreference.apk

6. ekstrak MPEngine™12SE ke folder lain, copas dan merge isi "system" dan ke folder system di stock rom deodexed, kalau ada file sama timpa saja

7. ekstrak Root dan busybox ke folder lain, copas semua isinya kecuali meta-inf ke folder di stock rom deodexed, kalau ada file sama timpa saja

8. timpa boot.img yang ada di stock rom deodexed dengan boot.img yang kita download di bahan utama 5

9. ganti/timpa font di folder stock rom deodexed /system/fonts dengan fonts dari bumbu tambahan 1

10. ganti vold.vstab atau edit supaya microsd dikenali sebagai sdcard dan sdcard (internal) dikenali sebagai sdcard2 -->file cari sendiri di pejwan 

11. masukkan/buat gps.conf dengan notepad++ letakkan di folder stock rom deodexed /system/etc

12. masukkan app lain yang mau disertakan ke folder stock rom deodexed /data

13. buka build.prop di folder stock rom deodexed /system dengan notepad++, tambahkan modd ac!d:
Quote:###AC!D Sound Tweaks by R-ikfoot###
#Sony Xloud & Clearbass +
#Beats Engine

Quote:ganti --> ro.custom.buid.version=namaterserahanda -->signature anda 
kosongkan --> (biar semua app di market tampil, but -->beware ga semua app yang muncul kompatibel loh )

14. buka aplikasi D4UpdateZipMaker (pastikan antivirus anda tidak mengenalinya sebagai virus, kalau perlu matikan dulu antivirusnya)

15. file-->select working directory , arahkan ke folder stock rom deodexed

16. zip compression ane sarankan low atau mid, tergantung besaran memory kompie, kalau memorynya ga ukup akan crash.. custom zip comment bisa diisi atau dikosongin..

17.tekan manual edition, biar kita bisa edit updater scriptnya, silahkan edit sendiri, bisa juga pake ini:
Quote:assert(getprop("ro.product.model") == "IMO S88" || getprop("ro.product.device") == "tinnoes77_s9050");
ui_print(" My First ROM");
ui_print(" by: s88 community ");
ui_print("Credit to member of Lounge IMO S88");
ui_print("All Original Developer and Modder from XDA");
ui_print("agan Trizet08, Irvanus, alaswingit,dkk");
show_progress(0.500000, 0);
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "/data");
package_extract_dir("data", "/data");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "/data");
set_perm_recursive(1000, 1000, 0771, 0644, "/data/app");
ui_print("< > Format partition: SYSTEM");
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "0");
ui_print("< > Mount partition: SYSTEM");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "/system");
show_progress(0.200000, 0);
ui_print("< > Installing files: SYSTEM");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/cat", "/system/bin/chmod",
"/system/bin/chown", "/system/bin/cmp", "/system/bin/date",
"/system/bin/dd", "/system/bin/df", "/system/bin/dmesg",
"/system/bin/getevent", "/system/bin/getprop", "/system/bin/hd",
"/system/bin/id", "/system/bin/ifconfig", "/system/bin/iftop",
"/system/bin/insmod", "/system/bin/ioctl", "/system/bin/ionice",
"/system/bin/kill", "/system/bin/ln", "/system/bin/log",
"/system/bin/ls", "/system/bin/lsmod", "/system/bin/lsof",
"/system/bin/mkdir", "/system/bin/mount", "/system/bin/mv",
"/system/bin/nandread", "/system/bin/netstat",
"/system/bin/newfs_msdos", "/system/bin/notify", "/system/bin/printenv",
"/system/bin/ps", "/system/bin/reboot", "/system/bin/renice",
"/system/bin/rm", "/system/bin/rmdir", "/system/bin/rmmod",
"/system/bin/route", "/system/bin/schedtop", "/system/bin/sendevent",
"/system/bin/setconsole", "/system/bin/setprop", "/system/bin/sleep",
"/system/bin/smd", "/system/bin/start", "/system/bin/stop",
"/system/bin/sync", "/system/bin/top", "/system/bin/touch",
"/system/bin/umount", "/system/bin/uptime", "/system/bin/vmstat",
"/system/bin/watchprops", "/system/bin/wipe");
symlink("/factory/hdcp.keys", "/system/vendor/firmware/hdcp.keys");
symlink("aee_aed", "/system/bin/debuggerd");
symlink("mksh", "/system/bin/sh");
symlink("/system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf", "/system/fonts/DroidSans.ttf");
symlink("/system/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf", "/system/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf");
ui_print("< > Setting permissions");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0644, "/system");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/bin");
set_perm(0, 3003, 02750, "/system/bin/netcfg");
set_perm(0, 3004, 02755, "/system/bin/ping");
set_perm(0, 2000, 06750, "/system/bin/run-as");
set_perm(1002, 1002, 0440, "/system/etc/dbus.conf");
set_perm(1014, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0550, "/system/etc/");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0755, 0555, "/system/etc/ppp");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/vendor/bin");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor/firmware");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor/lib/drm");
set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/system/vendor/lib/drm/");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/vendor/lib/egl");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0644, "/system/vendor/lib/hw");
set_perm(0, 0, 6755, "/system/bin/su");
symlink("/system/bin/su", "/system/xbin/su");
set_perm(0, 0, 04755, "/system/xbin/busybox");
package_extract_file("", "/tmp/");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/");
run_program("/system/xbin/busybox", "--install", "-s", "/system/xbin");
set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/system/vendor/lib/hw/");
set_perm_recursive(0, 2000, 0755, 0755, "/system/xbin");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/xbin/tcpdump");
set_perm(0, 2000, 0755, "/system/bin/sysinit");
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, 0777, 0777, "system/etc/init.d");
show_progress(0.200000, 10);
ui_print("< > Flashing partition: BOOT");
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"),
write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "bootimg"),
show_progress(0.100000, 0);
ui_print("< > Unmount partition: SYSTEM");
ui_print("<*> Installation complete.");
ui_print(" enjoy with your own ROM");

17.tekan buid package ... done, Custom ROM sudah jadi, silahkan rename di folder output dengan nama sesuka anda..

18. saatnya test, copy cusrom ke hh, restart, lakukan backup, clear data, clear dalvic cache baru install rom baru anda... restart

19. selamat menikmati custom rom home made, jangan lupa say thanxs to original uploader, modder, developer, etc yang anda gunakan sebagai pembuatan custom rom ini


Password: zs0mby

If you don't know if your phone has PowerVR GPU, you can find out here: Link

If you like the thread then bookmark it, to see the updates every day... 


Not all games may work with every PowerVR GPU phone, there are many variables like: firmware, phone model, etc...but at least 90% of them should work for everyone...
Some old Gameloft games have issues with ICS & JB.
The LG Optimus 3D phone has more compatibility problems because it's a 3D phone, so some games have issues with this phone. 

If any link is down or not working for any reason, or if you know any great game that is not listed below and you think that others would enjoy that game, don't hesitate and PM me or leave a message on this thread...Thanks !!!

Installation Info:

If you want to use the SD files from here and not download over wifi, then in 70% of the cases you must:

- first install (restore if your using Titanium Backup) the APK, but don't start the game
- copy SD files to location (ex: Android/Data)
- after you copied the sd files start the game for file verification (in some cases for the file verification you need a working wifi or 3G network, and you may need to download an additional 2 or 3 MB of cache).
If your not doing this steps it in this order your game can delete in some cases the SD files from the specific location.
If a game has written under it a small installation procedure, then follow those steps, not this ones ! 

Download Info:

If for a game there are more SD data part's (ex: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - etc), then you must download all of them in order to get the full game SD data (I recommend to use Winrar to extract the files).

Here are some app's you may need:

- Unrar Pro v1.5c: Link (if you are using a mobile device, to be able to extract the password protected files from archives).
- Chainfire 3D Pro v1.8: Link (it can change your phone's GPU to appear as a PowerVR, Andreno or Nvidia GPU, plugins included in archive). Don't use it, with Jelly Bean !!!
- Lucky PatcherLink (it can remove Android Market License Verification & Google Ads).

These are the most popular PowerVR GPU phone's:

+ Samsung Hummingbird S5PC110
- GPU Power VR SGX 540:
/ Google Nexus S - WVGA
/ Meizu M9 - 960x640
/ Samsung Galaxy S i9000 - WVGA
/ Samsung Galaxy S Captive - WVGA
/ Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate - WVGA
/ Samsung Galaxy S Infuse 4G - WVGA
/ Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant - WVGA

+ Texas Instrument OMAP 34x0/36x0:
- GPU Power VR SGX 530/535:
/ LG Optimus Black / Lg Optimus White - WVGA
/ Motorola CHARM - QVGA
/ Motorola CLIQ 2 - FWVGA
/ Motorola DEFY - FWVGA
/ Motorola DEFY+ - FWVGA
/ Motorola Droid 2 / Motorola Milestone 2 - FWVGA
/ Motorola Droid Pro - HVGA
/ Motorola Droid X - FWVGA
/ Motorola Flipout - QVGA
/ Motorola Flipside - HVGA
/ Motorola Milestone / Motorola Droid - FWVGA
/ Motorola XT720 - FWVGA
/ Motorola XT800w - FWVGA
/ Samsung Galaxy S SL i9003 - FWVGA

+ Texas Instrument OMAP 44x0:
- GPU Power VR SGX 540:
/ Google Nexus Prime / Samsung Galaxy Nexus - 720p
/ LG Optimus 3D / LG AT&T Thrill 4G - WVGA
/ LG Optimus 3D Cube - WVGA
/ LG Optimus 3D Max - WVGA
LG Prada 3.0 - WVGA
/ Motorola Atrix 2 - qHD
/ Motorola Droid 3 / Motorola Milestone 3 - qHD
/ Motorola Droid 4 - qHD
/ Motorola Droid RAZR / Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX - qHD
/ Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100G - WVGA

Titanium Backup game files here: Link

9mm HD v1.0.1 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Extracted SD file size: 1.63 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Anomaly Warzone Earth v1.16 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 14
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 151 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Aralon: Sword & Shadow HD v4.46 
APK: Link
SD Files: Just install APK, there are no SD files
Extracted APK file size: 308 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Asphalt 5 HD v3.3.7
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 127 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD v1.3.3 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 880 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Asphalt 7: Heat HD v1.0.3 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 14
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Extracted SD file size: 1.45 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Assassins Creed: Altairs Chronicles HD v1.0.0
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Assassins Creed: Altairs Chronicles HD v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 171 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

BackStab HD v1.2.6 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 987 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.28 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 566 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Blood & Glory v1.1.6 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 125 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
When you first run the game, let the game extract the data to Android/Data, and after the game starts up, you can exit and delete the data you copied to your phone, in Android/Obb.

Blood & Glory: Legend v2.0.2 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 14
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 299 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front HD v1.0.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 340 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Bruce Lee: Dragon Warrior v1.15.26
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 104 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Use Chainfire 3D and install "qualcomm" plugin and then select it for Bruce Lee in "Per-app OpenGL settings" (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the SD file archive). First install and start the game wait till download screen apears, then exit and copy & replace files in Android/Data.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Zombies v1.0.00 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 353 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Use Chainfire 3D and install "qualcomm" plugin and then select it for Call Of Duty: Black Ops Zombies in "Per-app OpenGL settings" (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the SD file archive).

Critical Strike Portable v2.62d UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 14
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Link
Extracted SD file size: 70 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Dead Space v1.1.40 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 14
APK: Online APK --- Offline APK 
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 428 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
First install the Online APK, then copy the SD files to Android/Data, run the game once with internet connection on for file verification. After that install the Offline version of the APK over the Online APK, turn off any internet connection you have and run the game.

Dead Trigger v1.5.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 142 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Demolition Inc HD v25.68490 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 179 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
You must copy the SD files to the phone, because the game can't download them over wifi.

Don 2: The Game v3.1 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 102 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Some devices have a pink texture problem with the main character, but the game can be played this way to.

Dungeon Defenders: Second Wave v7.6 (Ad-free) 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Extracted SD file size: 810 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Dungeon Hunter HD v3.5.7
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 246 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Dungeon Hunter 2 HD v1.0.6
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 776 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you don't want to download Dungeon Hunter 2 sd files over wifi, then copy sd files to Gameloft/Games and then change the folder name from GloftD2HP to GloftD2HP1 and then install and run the game, it will ask you to download sd data, select "No" and exit the game, after that change back the folder name tothe original name and then run the game again.

Dungeon Hunter 3 v1.3.8 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 16
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 1.00 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Earth & Legend HD v1.0.9 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 60 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you don't want to download Earth And Legend sd files over wifi, then copy sd files to Android/Data and use Titanium Backup to restore the apk (Titanium Backup files included in the SD file archive).

Eternal Legacy v1.0.7
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 629 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Eternity Warriors 2 v1.4.1 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 16
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 65 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
When you first run the game, let the game extract the data to Android/Data, an additional 180 MB.

Fast & Furious Five HD v1.0.9
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 751 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

FIFA 2010 v1.0.53 
APK: Link
SD Files: Data/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 34 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

FIFA 12 v1.6.01 (SGS) 
APK: Link
FIFA 12 v1.3.87
APK: Link
FIFA 12 v1.3.86
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Extracted SD file size: 1.51 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If your using v1.3.87 or v1.3.86, then rename the "" SD file folder, to "". The SD files are the same for all 3 versions, only the folder name is different.

Final Fantasy III v1.0.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 170 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Final Space v1.0.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Link
Extracted SD file size: 117 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Football Manager Handheld 2012 v3.4 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Link
Extracted SD file size: 107 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Frontline Commando v2.1.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 107 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Galaxy On Fire 2 v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 519 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Use Chainfire 3D and install "nvidia" plugin, and then select it for Galaxy On Fire 2 in "Per-app OpenGL settings", you also have to enable this option to "Reduce texture quality" also located in the same "Per-app OpenGL settings" window (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the SD file archive).

Gangstar: Miami Vindication HD v3.1.6
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 273 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Gangstar: Rio City Of Saints HD v1.0.0
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Extracted SD file size: 1.66 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Gangstar: West Coast Hustle HD v3.5.0
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 100 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Grand Theft Auto III v1.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 494 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you have lag when you are in the car, then remove this files from audio: HEAD.nfx, CLASS.nfx, KJAH.nfx, RISE.nfx, LIPS.nfx, GAME.nfx, MSX.nfx, FLASH.nfx, CHAT.nfx (your radio doesn't work anymore if this files are removed)If the game lags very much then you can remove the audio folder (no more sound).

GT Racing Motor Academy HD v3.1.8
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 150 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Guerrilla Bob v1.3 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 7 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Hero Of Sparta HD v1.0.0
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Hero Of Sparta HD v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 76 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Hockey Nations 2011 v1.0.4 
APK: Link
SD Files: Just install APK, there are no SD files
Extracted APK file size: 45 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

James Cameron's Avatar HD v3.2.7
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 161 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Juggernaut: Revenge Of Sovering v2.2 NEW ADDED ON AUGUST 30
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2 
Extracted SD file size: 398 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
You must copy the SD files to the phone, because the game can't download them over wifi.

Lara Croft: Guardian Of Light v1.2.284923 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 311 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you have texture problems in the game, then use Chainfire 3D and install "qualcomm" plugin and then select it for Lara Croft: Guardian Of Light in "Per-app OpenGL settings" (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the SD file archive).

Let's Golf HD v3.4.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 160 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Let's Golf 2 HD v3.0.4 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 298 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Let's Golf 3 HD v1.0.6 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Extracted SD file size: 793 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Madden NFL 12 v1.0.3 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Link
Extracted SD file size: 239 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Mass Effect Infiltrator v1.0.39 
APK: Online APK --- Offline APK
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 440 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
First install the Online APK, then copy the SD files to Android/Data, run the game once with internet connection on for file verification. After that install the Offline version of the APK over the Online APK, turn off any internet connection you have and run the game.

Max Payne v1.1 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Extracted SD file size: 1.32 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Mini Motor Racing v1.0.1 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 113 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Modern Combat: Sandstorm HD v3.4.2
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 153 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
In some cases when you start the game you have to wait about a minute till the game loads, it depends on the firmware your on, but the game works great.

Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus HD v1.2.7 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 438 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation HD v1.1.1 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Extracted SD file size: 1.37 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Monopoly v0.0.49 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 26 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 267 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit v1.0.60 (SGS) 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit v1.0.61 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 402 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Need For Speed: Shift v1.0.73
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 82 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

No Gravity v1.7.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 82 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

N.O.V.A.: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v1.0.2
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 206 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

N.O.V.A. 2: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v1.0.2
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
N.O.V.A. 2: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 722 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Only use Nova 2 v1.0.3 if version 1.0.2 is not working for you.

N.O.V.A. 3: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD v1.0.0 
APK: Link --- Link 2
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
Extracted SD file size: 1.94 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
The APK from Link 2 has compatibility checking off.

Order & Chaos Online HD v1.1.3 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Extracted SD file size: 910 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

PES 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer v1.0.6 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 100 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer v1.0.5
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Link
Extracted SD file size: 170 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Real Football 2010 v3.6.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 32 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Real Football 2011 v3.1.7
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 267 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Real Football 2012 v1.5.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 824 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Real Racing 2 v000315
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 751 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
The first time you start the game, start in airplane mod or with data off (wifi, 3G) to have full version, after the first start you can start the game in normal mod with data on or off.

Real Steel HD v1.0.18 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 132 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

[REC] - The Videogame v1.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Titanium Backup Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 911 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
First make sure you have enough free space, then restore Titanium Backup files they contain the cache files, but the restore takes about 5-10 minutes depending on your phone, so be patient. The cache files are in the phones internal storage (where all the apps are installed), not on the SD Card like for other games, so if you can move the files from your phone to your SD card.
Non rooted phones must download cache over wifi.

Riptide GP v1.3.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Just install APK, there are no SD files
Extracted APK file size: 42 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Sacred Odyssey: The Rise Of Ayden HD v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 550 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Samurai II: Vengeance 1.01 
APK: Link
SD Files: Just install APK, there are no SD files
Extracted APK file size: 41 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Shadow Guardian HD v1.0.2
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Shadow Guardian 3D v1.0.2 (LG Optimus 3D) 
APK: Link
Extracted SD file size: 574 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

ShadowGun v1.1.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 476 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Shark Dash v1.0.5 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 130 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Shrek Kart HD v1.0.1
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 134 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Silpheed Alternative v1.2.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 227 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Six Guns v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 600 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

SoulCraft: Angels vs Demons v0.8.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 329 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Spectral Souls v2.7 (No root needed) 
APK: Link 1 --- Link 2
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 1.13 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If the APK from Link 1 is not working for you, then use the one from Link 2, but these one requires root to remove the License Verification with Lucky Patcher (Lucky Patcher included in the APK file archive).

Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v1.0.1
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v1.0.2
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 299 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Sports Car Challenge v1.0.760 
APK: Link
SD Files: Link
Extracted SD file size: 499 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Star Battalion v3.1.6
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 258 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Use Chainfire 3D and install "qualcomm" plugin and then select it for Star Battalion in "Per-app OpenGL settings", and you must change the control mode in options in the game to accelerometer (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the SD file archive).

Starfront: Collision HD v1.0.8
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 770 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Street Fighter IV HD v1.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder on Sdcard Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 1.24 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you have a white background in the game, then use Chainfire 3D and install "qualcomm" plugin and then select it for Street Fighter IV in "Per-app OpenGL settings" (Chainfire 3D Pro included in the APK file archive).

The Adventures Of Tintin HD v1.1.2 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
The Adventures Of Tintin HD v1.0.9
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Extracted SD file size: 1.83 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Only use The Adventures Of Tintin HD v1.0.9 if version 1.1.2 is not working for you.

The Amazing Spider-Man HD v1.1.4 (Offline) 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Extracted SD file size: 1.31 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Install the APK, copy the SD files to Android/Obb, turn on Flight Mode and after that turn on wifi to, because the game needs internet to check the license, and start the game, wait until the game installs the files. After you exit the game, you can play offline and without Flight Mode.. If the game FC's the first time you start it, then restart it and it will work fine.

The Dark Knight Rises v1.1.1 (Offline)
APK: Link
The Dark Knight Rises v1.0.6 (Offline) 
APK: Link
The Dark Knight Rises v1.0.5 (Offline) 
APK: Link
Extracted SD file size: 1.78 GB
SD Files: Android/Obb Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
If you have an older version, then you must download the new SD files for v1.1.1. Install the APK, copy the SD files to Android/Obb, turn on Flight Mode and after that turn on wifi to, because the game needs internet to check the license, and start the game. After you exit the game, you can play offline and without Flight Mode. To change the language view the picture from the APK archive. Only use v1.0.6 or v1.0.5 if v1.1.1 is not working for you, the SD files are the same for all versions. If the game FC's the first time you start it, then restart it and it will work fine.

The Heroes Of The Three Kingdoms v1.0 
APK: Link
SD Files: Just install APK, there are no SD files
Extracted APK file size: 158 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
Click HERE to see how to change the language to english.

The Settlers HD v1.0.3
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 640 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

The Sims 3 HD v1.0.46 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 50 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 v1.1.38 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 507 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X HD v3.4.5
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 82 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard HD v1.0.6 
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extracted SD file size: 759 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction HD v3.2.0
APK: Link
SD Files: Gameloft/Games Link
Extracted SD file size: 483 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

UNO HD v3.6.3 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 38 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

Virtua Tennis™ v4.0 UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 05
APK: Link
SD Files: Put folder in Android folder Part 1 - Part 2
Extracted SD file size: 365 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
You must copy the SD files to the phone, because the game can't download them over wifi.

Wild Blood v1.0.8
APK: Link
SD Files (Online No Root ): Android/Data Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
SD Files (Offline Root Required): Android/Obb
Extracted SD file size: 1.56 GB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link
For offline version after you install the APK and copy the SD files, restore the Titanium Backup data for the game, from the SD file archive (there are two TB files, one for ICS and one for JB).

Worms v0.0.34 
APK: Link
SD Files: Android/Data Link
Extracted SD file size: 35 MB
Youtube Gameplay Trailer Link

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